School Education
Up to III Standard I studied from a school, name I do not remember, but surely it's in Navipeta (where my childhood had begun). I looked good in studies to my parents as well as to my school teachers. Therefore, after 3rd standard I was shifted to Nizamabad town to join IV standard in Sri Venkateshwara Vidyalayam, Brahmapuri (in the year 1970) while my two other brothers remained to stay at Navipeta who could not pass even I Standard. Staying with my First Guruji (Late Sri A Venkateshwar Rao ) I continued my education at Nizamabad town.
From Darugalli High School, I passed SSC (Board Exam) in First Division. It was only two who passed SSC from this Institute for the examination held in March 1977. One is myself with first class and the other Mr Kashi Raju (my friend) in Pass class.